Learn to Dance
Salsa Dance for Beginners
00:29 this video is gonna help you get up and
00:32 started with salsa dancing from knowing
00:34 very little to being able to do the
00:36 combination you saw at the beginning of
00:37 this video
00:38 now all the moves here are not
00:40 choreographed and they're fully ly
00:42 double on the dance floor as long as you
00:44 have a good partner as you follow along
00:46 make sure that you go at your own pace
00:49 pause and rewind earlier sections in
00:51 this video mastering them before you
00:53 move on to latter section in the video
00:55 so whether you're trying to learn salsa
00:58 just for a single special occasion or
01:00 trying to just get started in a salsa
01:01 lifestyle that we all love welcome and
01:05 let's get started
01:14 you
01:16 we're going to begin by doing our basic
01:18 steps to salsa in what is called on one
01:20 timing sometimes called la style on one
01:24 timing refers to the fact that we'll be
01:26 breaking or stepping forward on count
01:28 one of the beat and salsa has eight main
01:31 counts the best analogy is in relation
01:33 to walking and that's pretty much what
01:34 salsa is you walk forward on one step
01:37 and then you walk back on another if you
01:41 simplified in this manner it'll make it
01:43 a lot easier for you to grasp the main
01:45 movement we're going to start in what is
01:48 called a neutral position with our feet
01:50 together side by side
01:52 from here you will step forward with
01:55 your left foot as you'd normally walk
01:57 and this will be count one in the steps
02:00 then we will take our right foot and
02:03 step in place on two and bring back our
02:06 left foot to that neutral position on
02:08 count three count four and salsa dancing
02:11 is considered a pause so you don't take
02:12 any steps you can stay in that neutral
02:15 position the next step will be with our
02:17 right foot as if you were walking
02:19 backwards on count five we step in place
02:22 on six with your left foot and bring
02:23 back that right foot for that neutral
02:25 position up count seven we then finish
02:27 off the basic steps with count eight but
02:30 that is also a pause putting the whole
02:32 thing together it looks like this
02:33 forward on one two three four is a pause
02:38 back on five six seven eight is a pause
02:43 again it's one two three four five six
02:49 seven eight now to make it simpler we're
02:53 not going to count the four in the
02:55 eighth because there's no required steps
02:57 this way you'll most time hear people
02:59 count it as one two three five six seven
03:05 one two three five six seven one two
03:11 three five six seven one two three and
03:17 five six seven all right putting the
03:21 basic step together into pump work is
03:23 very simple we're gonna take our left
03:25 hand and pick up the lady's right hand
03:27 so when I take our right hand and put it
03:29 on the lady's back and this is what we
03:31 call closed position okay
03:33 now you were all learning how to dance
03:36 the basic step starting forward the only
03:38 difference is that it follows whoever's
03:40 following in the dance
03:41 usually the lady will start going
03:43 backwards instead of forwards all the
03:45 steps are the same it's just a different
03:47 ordering okay so from here all we're
03:49 gonna do we do a slight push leads on
03:52 your left to go four have the lady to go
03:54 back on one two three and then pull just
03:59 a slight bit on your right so you knows
04:01 that you want her to go backwards with
04:03 you on five six seven
04:05 and that's the basic stuff one two three
04:09 five six seven one two three five six
04:15 seven
04:24 you
04:26 we will now show you how to do a right
04:28 turn it's very simple we're gonna start
04:31 with in its neutral position and then
04:33 step forward as we would normally do on
04:34 count one are two with a right foot
04:37 we're gonna just point it in the
04:38 opposite direction and using our upper
04:41 body momentum turn around clockwise to
04:44 finish our count three
04:47 to complete the move we'll do the
04:49 remainder of our basic steps which
04:51 starts on five six and seven everything
04:56 together looks like this forward on one
04:58 two and then three back on five six
05:03 seven forward one two three back on five
05:08 six seven one two three and five six
05:15 seven okay to do a right turn it's very
05:19 simple from our closed position all I'm
05:22 going to do is I'm going to bring my
05:23 hand down into an open position take my
05:26 left hand draw a J or half a circle
05:28 bringing it up using two fingers the
05:31 lady's going to turn and we're gonna
05:33 come back down and go into closed
05:35 position okay putting it together with
05:37 the basic step we're here we do one two
05:41 three five six seven one two three five
05:47 six seven one two three five six seven
05:53 we'll do it again a little bit faster
05:54 one two three five six seven one two
05:59 three five six seven one two three five
06:03 six seven
06:13 you
06:18 we will show you now how to do a cross
06:20 by the lead we will first show you how
06:22 to do the leads part and then we'll show
06:24 you how to do the follows part at least
06:26 part is are as follows we're gonna step
06:29 forward on one as we normally do in a
06:31 basic step and we're going to use a
06:33 right foot and step to the side on two
06:36 then we're gonna take our left foot and
06:38 open it up on count three making sure
06:41 there's space for the lady to cross over
06:44 from here we're gonna step in place with
06:47 our right foot on five on six we're
06:50 gonna point it towards the lady and
06:52 seven we're going to come back to this
06:54 neutral position from this other angle
06:56 it looks like in like this one two three
07:01 five six seven
07:04 the follows part is as follows you will
07:07 do your basic step except going
07:09 backwards first on one two three next
07:14 you will step forward on five the same
07:15 thing as your basic step but then on
07:17 your six and seven you will cross over
07:20 and come back to a neutral position
07:23 again it looks like this 1 2 3 5 6 7 1 2
07:31 3 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 6 7 1 2 3 5
07:46 6 7
07:48 looking at this from another angle here
07:50 we go we step forward on 1 2 3 5 6 7 1 2
07:58 3 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 6 7 ok now
08:12 that you know the steps for the cross
08:13 bar lead what we're gonna do is do cross
08:15 my lead and the part work so you can see
08:16 the tough part from here again we're in
08:18 close position we're gonna do the step 1
08:21 2 3 I open up ladies are gonna cross
08:23 over on 5 6 7 and that's it
08:27 1 2 3 5 6 7 the lady's gonna know or the
08:32 Falls good
08:32 that you she you're gonna you wanna
08:34 cross mightily for two things one of
08:35 them is when you open up she'll realize
08:37 that there's space for her to walk
08:39 through and then you're gonna use your
08:40 right hand to bring her across that's it
08:44 1 2 3 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 6 7
08:59 you
09:12 okay to do a Shinae turn lit follows
09:15 we'll start by stepping back on one two
09:18 three then step forward on five bring
09:23 their six count all the way over in
09:26 front of their five as if you were gonna
09:28 turn on a straight line from here you
09:31 will take your left foot and step seven
09:33 in a clock counterclockwise motion and
09:35 finish off on eight and one doing your
09:38 on one count and finish coming forward
09:41 on two and three okay it looks again
09:45 like this back on one two three four
09:49 five six seven finish one two three
09:55 again we go back on one two three four
09:59 five six seven finish one two three
10:06 we're going to show you now using that
10:08 janay turn how to do a crossbody with
10:10 turn guys all you're going to do is do a
10:13 regular cross bar lead the ladies
10:15 knowing that you want to do cross body
10:18 with turn will do that chin a turn okay
10:20 again we're going to go forward on one
10:22 two three lead five and as I raise my
10:27 hand to do the turning ladies are gonna
10:29 do a shin a turn on six seven one finish
10:34 here and again when they do one we also
10:36 finish on one and we finish back on two
10:39 and three so the whole thing looks like
10:42 this put together one two three five six
10:46 seven one two three five six seven one
10:53 two three five six seven one two three
10:59 five six seven
11:01 okay to do the cross body with turn here
11:04 we go from across bar lead one two three
11:07 we open up now into the shiney turns
11:09 five six seven one two three I'm leading
11:14 it as I would lead a right turn using my
11:17 hand I bring it up and lead a turn very
11:20 simple again here we go
11:21 one two three
11:24 six seven one two three five six seven
11:28 one two three five six seven one two
11:33 three five six seven
11:36 okay to do a crossbar Lee will turn with
11:39 180 in partner work it's the same as a
11:40 crossbar lead we turn here we go one two
11:44 three five six seven now instead of
11:49 finishing off that how we would normally
11:51 into a neutral position I'm gonna take
11:52 my right hand put it on the lady's
11:54 shoulder blade and from here I'm going
11:55 to do my crosses here four one two and
12:00 three and finish off with our crossbar
12:02 lead five six seven again one two three
12:07 five six seven one two three five six
12:12 seven one two three five six seven one
12:17 two three five six seven
Intermediate Salsa Moves
00:28 Hi, welcome to addicted2salsa.com podcast.
00:30 My name is Anthony. - And my name's Melanie.
00:32 And today we're going to go over some simple combinations,
00:35 and simple moves just to let everybody catch up.
00:37 Okay, very simple, we're gonna do a behind-the-back
00:40 turn, which is basically from an open break.
00:44 1-2-3 I switch my hands,
00:47 I'm already by three, and I use this hand
00:50 and I do a little pull, especially a kind of pulling on the hip,
00:53 and let the ladies turn.
00:55 5-6-7.
00:57 Again, from this angle, you go back on 1,
01:00 2-3,
01:02 5-6-7.
01:05 One thing that I know, after I'm finishing that move,
01:07 I already start turning my wrist down for the next move.
01:12 Which is... it's basically the lady's cross body leave
01:16 with half a turn. 1-2-3,
01:20 5-6-7.
01:23 I use my right hand to help the lady stop here,
01:26 and my left hand on her shoulder.
01:28 Ladies, you can extend your arm
01:30 so it adds a little bit of styling.
01:33 And the ladies finish off by 1-2-3,
01:37 5-6-7, okay? From this angle,
01:42 we know that they have to go back first,
01:43 1-2-3, 5-6-7.
01:48 Again, ladies extend, 1-2-3,
01:51 5-6-7. Okay?
01:54 Now, for the next move, the guy's part,
01:56 I'm actually going to be doing a couple turns.
01:58 Left turns, while I'm doing a left turn,
02:01 remember, I'm using my wrist to make it easier for myself and for her,
02:05 to make it more comfortable for her while I'm turning.
02:07 Again, I turn, 1-2-3,
02:11 5-6-7, 1-2-3
02:16 preparing for a cross body leave, 5-6-7. Okay?
02:20 Now, for the lady's part...
02:22 While the guys are doing all of these turns,
02:24 our 1-2-3, we're going to step out with our right foot to the side.
02:28 1-2-3, bring it into a cha-cha-cha.
02:32 Out with the left, 5-6-7, cha-cha-cha.
02:36 And one more time with the right to the side,
02:39 1-2-3, cha-cha-cha.
02:42 And now for the cross body leave for her,
02:44 5-6-7. Our next move,
02:47 is basically having the ladies turn.
02:50 1-2-3,
02:52 5-6, right on 7, after they finish turning,
02:58 I- guys, you're going to do half a turn.
03:00 And remember, turning that wrist to make it easier for yourself.
03:03 Boom. Okay?
03:05 We're here for 7, you do 7.
03:07 7. Okay?
03:09 Let the hand drop, 1-2-3,
03:13 you know the next number's 5, ladies can turn on 5,
03:16 so you can use a hand from over here,
03:18 to actually flick it out,
03:20 5-6-7. Okay?
03:24 Doing the entire combination, slowly, it looks like this.
03:29 You go back, 1-2-3 5-6-7.
03:35 1-2-3, 5-6-7.
03:41 1-2-3, 5-6-7.
03:46 1-2-3, 5-6-7.
03:51 1-2-3, 5-6-7.
03:56 1-2-3, 5-6-7.
04:01 1-2-3, 5-6-7.
Advanced Salsa Lessons
01:19 hi is it a salsa podcast my name is
01:22 anthony and today we're gonna teach you
01:25 something more complicated you've been
01:26 asking for it but because it's a little
01:28 bit longer we're gonna kind of cut it
01:29 short but if you're advanced then you
01:32 should pick up these moves pretty fast
01:33 so very simple I'm gonna come here for
01:36 our basic step 1 2 3 5 6 7
01:41 and then I'm going to take my right hand
01:42 and do a little fake styling with it
01:44 1 2 3 take it off on 5 6 7 for a
01:50 crossbody with turn holding two hands
01:52 I'm gonna go in step to the outside
01:54 1 2 3 to do another cross badly with
01:58 turn except two hands are gonna help her
02:00 wrap around ok she's gonna go forward on
02:03 5 6 7 and it ends up on 1 ok now from
02:07 here very simple she's just gonna do a
02:11 left turn I'm gonna be leading them with
02:12 my left and right hand now she comes
02:14 forward she finishes she finished going
02:17 1 2 3
02:18 she's gonna come forward on 5 I'm gonna
02:20 lean her on from 5 and then bring her
02:22 back with my left hand on 6 7
02:24 maintaining contact with this right hand
02:26 ok again let's just try that she goes
02:29 forward on five six seven oh one okay
02:33 the next part it's a little bit tricky
02:35 she's gonna do a Copa where she goes
02:37 clockwise for part of it then
02:39 counterclockwise for the to come back to
02:42 the same position she's just starting in
02:45 from here she finished doing that 1 2 3
02:47 1 2 3
02:48 she's gonna open up 4 5 as she opens up
02:53 4 5 because I'm using my hand to open
02:55 her up I keep my I keep my right hand
02:58 down to help her know that she should be
03:00 going back and used my left hand to
03:02 launch her back to this position as I
03:05 raise my hand and wrap her again okay so
03:08 let's just try that from here she goes
03:11 back on 1 2 3 5 6 7 1 2 3 ok from here
03:18 she's just gonna do a cross rally with
03:20 turn except I'm gonna be raising my
03:22 right hand up and then put it on my neck
03:24 and I want to be moving from this side
03:26 of the slot to the other side of this
03:28 so just watch for a second she finished
03:31 doing at doing that one two three
03:33 she's gonna do that five six seven cross
03:35 my legs step five six seven and a 1
03:39 okay then how is slow just do it a
03:42 little bit faster
03:43 she goes back on one two three five six
03:47 seven one
03:49 okay I'm gonna finish doing that one two
03:51 three step I notice I have my hand
03:54 behind my back
03:54 Oh behind my neck one two three two then
03:58 lead her for another cross broadly with
04:01 turn except I'm gonna be bringing the
04:03 hand over her head and then down for a
04:06 hammerlock okay so if you look at it
04:09 from this position and I'm here and I'm
04:13 here I'm gonna give her another cross
04:15 many would turn do do but okay from here
04:22 like this is actually pretty fast so she
04:26 goes back on one two three five six
04:30 seven one two three whoops let's try it
04:34 one more time okay we're here wrapped up
04:38 we go back on one two three five six
04:42 seven one two three five six seven one
04:46 okay from here see her hands up I'm
04:49 gonna be asking for the hand and she's
04:52 gonna come back to me and we're gonna do
04:54 another crossbody with turn where I as I
04:58 wrap her I bring both hands over her
05:00 head
05:01 okay so just watch back here she comes
05:06 back on one two three five six seven one
05:11 the only difference is that I'm gonna be
05:14 switching my hands now she's coming
05:16 around straight from here she comes
05:19 on one two three five six seven one okay
05:25 from here she's just gonna do another
05:28 crossbody with turn except I'm gonna
05:30 wrap her wrapper around her neck sounds
05:33 complicated but just be careful this is
05:36 a crazy part she comes
05:39 wrap around to do another cross Valley
05:41 return okay so she goes back on one two
05:44 three five six seven now she's turning
05:48 I'm making sure these hands are going
05:51 across and around and over her head
05:55 making sure she's leeway she has enough
05:57 leeway to move these hands around if I'm
06:00 too far away from her she's gonna feel
06:03 off balance if I'm if I keep the hands
06:05 too close she's gonna feel a little a
06:07 little bit choked as she's turning in so
06:09 just watch don't do this she's gonna get
06:13 hurt here you don't want to keep them
06:16 too close and you don't want to keep
06:20 them you don't want to stay too far away
06:23 okay so you want to be almost back to
06:26 back and giving her enough room so those
06:30 hands go above her head and she doesn't
06:32 get hit on her head with her own arms
06:34 okay so from here yeah let's just do
06:38 that one more time I do one two three
06:43 five six seven one two three okay
06:47 from here I'm actually gonna do a barrel
06:49 turn Vaughn five six seven five six
06:53 seven one the difference now after I
06:57 finish this turn I'm going to straight
06:59 go out of the slot one two three five
07:04 six seven
07:06 it's very simple I haven't done anything
07:09 very complicated yet I just do one two
07:12 three on here I'm just going to lead a
07:14 regular cross body lead with my right
07:16 hand just kind of marking the fire for
07:18 fun five six seven using this hand to
07:21 really push her across that other side
07:23 coming around letting this hand fall
07:26 here from here we're going to just do a
07:28 double turn I'm gonna prep her on one
07:31 two three double turn five six seven
07:35 okay and she goes back on one two three
07:39 four a Copa and open up okay and from
07:44 here I can go in one two three
07:49 for a wrap around five six seven and go
07:54 back on one two three five six seven
07:58 okay let's just try that last part again
08:02 so that was kind of without the counts
08:05 now in real real speed she goes back on
08:08 one two three four the double turn five
08:11 six seven and A one two three five six
08:15 seven one two three five six seven one
08:21 two three five six seven one two three
08:26 five six seven
08:29 now on to with the counts very simple 1
08:33 2 3 6 7 2 3 6 7 1 2 3 6 7 1 2 3 6 7 1 2
08:43 3 6 7 1 2 3 6 7 1 2 3 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 6 7
08:53 1 2 3 6 7 2 3 6 7 2 3 6 7 2 3 6 7 2 3 6
09:05 7 2 3 6 7 and I think it was one part 1
09:12 2 3 6 7 2 3 6 7 2 3 6 7 there we go now
09:20 we finished

Local Dance Studios
House of Dance Ventura
Contact studio for class times.
(805) 650-2719
Lovie's Latin Studio
350 West Hillcrest Drive #O002,
Thousand Oaks, CA
805) 889-5191 or (805) 889-0604
Arthur Murray Ventura
5725 Ralston St, #210
Ventura, CA 93003
(805) 644-5999
Arthur Murray Thousand Oaks
3065 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd, #4
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
(805) 495-1445
141 Triunfo Canyon Road
Westlake Village, CA 91361
(805) 991-6113